Dan Santos, a political scientist, US Army infantry officer, and American diplomat, started his fiction publishing career with a series on a fictitious dictator usurping the US presidency and the popular uprising to unseat him. The “Insurrection” series has received high acclaim from readers and other authors, the most demanding group in the industry. The bestseller Letters from Blitz, a sentimental story about one of his canine companions, has earned a combined 4.7 stars on Amazon. Dan is preparing to publish a YA/Suspense novel, a sequel to Insurrection, and a historical novel about a turn-of-the-century organized crime conspiracy.
"First, let me confess that I am a dog lover and a sucker for movies and stories about dogs, from Old Yeller to A Dog’s Purpose to Marley and Me. Well, Dan Santos’ new book, Letters from Blitz, ranks right up there with those stories. It’s a story of loss, love and redemption that will make you cry and laugh. I know, I’m a guy and not supposed to cry, but I did tear up in places. But don’t worry, in the end this is not a gloomy story. Anyway, if you love dogs, this is a must read. If you love cats, I still think you’ll love this story! And if you don’t love dogs, well, shame on you."
Christopher Datta, Author of The Demon Stone,
Touched with Fire, A Perfect Disguise.
"Insurrection: Appalachian Command is a frightening apocalyptic read about America's nightmare come true--the destruction of our governmental infrastructure and the take-over by Al Qaeda terrorists. It reminded me a bit of the movie "Red Dawn" but it's better, and Dan Santos has the military and government service background that enables him to write this story. A gripping read that I finished in two sittings. Highly recommended for anyone interested in the state of our world today and the threats facing America. A must-read!"
Mark Rubinstein,
Author of Mad Dog House and Love Gone Mad.
"Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Insurrection series is the fact that readers will care as much about the characters in the novel as they do about the ultimate insurrection, since the fates of the main characters, Jude and Kate, especially, are intimately tied to the fate of our country...Santos' treatment of the relationship between Jude and Kate is handled with a unique cleverness and freshness as he toys with and teases the reader, who is hungering for the climactic moment of their relationship, which is delicately and tastefully delineated throughout the series and ultimately completed in Tiger. The reader will hope that as order in the world is restored that the destiny of Jude and Kate will be fulfilled."
Paul Turse, Author of The Year of the Gentle Willow, The Samurai Sword and Judo Joe.
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